
Carrie Konyha, Owner/Practitioner
Soul Star Healing Arts Center

All of the sessions offered below are facilitated by Carrie unless otherwise indicated.

Psychic Reading/Channeled Spirit Messages/Soul Guidance
1-1.5 hr session | $177-$255
Psychic insight readings are a powerful modality for facilitating deep clarity, personal healing and spiritual awakening! Receive enlightening insight & guidance regarding your present life situations, energetic vibration & how your energy is influencing your daily life.  Also gain insight into your unique gifts & life purpose. Within your private session with me, I will psychically read your personal energy field, access higher guidance from your higher self, spirit guides, provide spiritual insight & give you an in-depth tarot card reading providing you with well rounded, specific insight & guidance relating to all areas of life & share insights as to your next best steps regarding the best ways to get back on track with manifesting your preferred reality!

Life Path Reading
1.5-2 hr session | $255-$333
Gain in-depth insight into your souls true calling and how to best navigate the 2024 astrological transits to leverage your best growth and manifestation potentials! Get a detailed look into your year ahead through astrology, the tarot and channeled psychic insight infused with soul guidance specifically aligned to your unique intentions, goals, dreams and Life-Path. This session makes a great birthday gift to yourself or a friend. This is a deep-dive into the energies of the year ahead and how they are uniquely activating your life-path, growth, healing and manifestation opportunities. The 2 hr session includes a FREE copy of your birth chart with 20-24 page report (a $75 value) Come away with a clearly defined map to empowered manifestation. *your exact birthdate, time and location is required for the astrology segment of this session. 

Shamanic Counseling
1 hr | $177
Shamanic Counseling sessions are a powerfully transformative form of counseling and guidance that follows the principles, techniques and tools of shamanism for accessing non-ordinary states of consciousness to acquire deep, self-sourced, soul-centered knowledge. The scope of what can be explored and achieved thru shamanic counseling includes self-healing , direction, guidance, clarity, new perspective, problem solving and personal empowerment .


Shamanic counseling does not diagnose or treat mental health related issues. It is not a substitute for mental health counseling or therapy and is therefore not suitable for (nor does it address the issues of) those who are suffering with severe mental health issues, including amongst others – psychosis, bi-polar, borderline personality disorder, narcissism, schizophrenia or any other mental health condition, disorder or illness.  Shamanic counseling is not suitable for those being medicated for mental health issues.

Sedona Soul Immersion Session
2 hrs | $333
This is Carries most popular signature session which offers a fusion of psychic insight and soul guidance based on the most significant issues showing up for you in your life currently, and then flows into a deep energy clearing/healing/renewal session utilizing a variety of shamanic healing modalities for the last half of the session. The session concludes with includes a bit of time near the end of the session for insightfully integrative conversation, leading to clearly defined next steps. 

Shamanic Energy Clearing & Chakra Renewal with Sound Healing
1 hr | $177  (see Reservation page for semi-private & group rates)
The Shamanic Sound Healing Session is energy clearing and chakra renewal session that restores harmony to the energy bodies thru the use of vibrational therapies including Sound healing  shamanic energy clearing modalities, reiki, aromatherapy and breath-work in a safe, nurturing and supportive space.
Chakra is the Sanskrit word used to describe the energy centers in our etheric body that regulate the flow of life force energy through the physical & energy bodies. The health of our energy bodies influences the health of our physical body, mind & emotions. Many things such as stress, poor diet, lack of exercise, negative thinking and old traumas can have an unhealthy impact on our energy system.  

Soul Star Astrology Readings
1 hr | $177
Discover the unique soul gifts, talents, skills, abilities, and soul journey you came into this world to experience and contribute to humanity. As a life-long student of Evolutionary and Shamanic Astrology, the astrology sessions offered by Carrie dive deep into your birth chart and current transits, thru the lens of Evolutionary, Shamanic Astrology,  to support soul growth, healing and life success in the areas that matter most to you.
Our birth chart is a map of the planets at the exact time of birth and points to your unique soul lineage as well as the unique qualities and opportunities you have available to us to maximize life fulfillment, as it also point to challenges along the way and the best ways to navigate thru them.
Carrie first began learning astrology at the age 9 from her mother who was also an astrologer.  Carrie has been a student of astrology for more than 40 years and continues to learn this day. The following astrology consultations are available.

Natal/Birth Chart– a map of the planets at your time of birth, revealing your soul lineage, life path and soul purpose
Natal Aspect Analysis– natal planetary interrelations reveal deeper insights into the planetary structures in place to support your life path journey
Current/Future Transits Chart– planetary energies presently bringing in dynamic energetic initiations and activations. 
Solar Return Chart Reading –  map of the skies as your sun returns to its natal placement
Relationship Synastry Chart– looks at 2 charts together revealing the dynamics of relating

*Exact birth date, time and location are required to calculate your astrology charts. 

Akashic Records Journey
1.5 hrs | $255
Akash or Akasha is a Sanskrit term meaning sky, space or ether. Every indigenous culture around the world has an understanding of space as a ‘vibrational field’ that acts as a carrier element in which energy and information passes through. Eastern philosophies teach that the essence of all possible knowledge & information is imprinted into this etheric/akashic field, including all information on your souls journey thru eternity and this information is what is called the ‘Akashic Records’.
In this session I guid you thru a journey that enables you to accessing your own personal Akashic Records for yourself, giving you a direct experience in accessing information about your souls experience throughout eternity – past, present and future.
Together we will craft some specific inquiries and intentions to set the space for the guided journey, looking at the themes around roles, gifts, karma, lifetime contracts, relationship agreements, soul purpose, past life influences and the tools, skills and strengths that enable you to accomplish what you were born to do. Afterwards, we therapeutically integrate your experience, utilizing shamanic counseling techniques, resulting in profound spiritual insight, healing, clarity, wholeness and a renewed sense of purpose and direction 

Empaths Guide to Empowered Living
1.5 hrs | $255

Do you find yourself to be sensitive to and effected by the energies of your environment and other people? If so then it’s likely that you are an Empath. Being energetically sensitive can sometimes feel like a handicap but this is only because we are not typically taught how to harness the power of energy awareness as a gift and strength that we can utilize as a catalyst for self growth, spiritual awakening and empowerment tool for navigating forward in life. This session guides you through many tools and practices to life vibrantly as an empath! Learn to trust your instincts, discern the difference between your own energy and what you are picking up from others, and what to do when you do pick up on others energies. Gain insights on how to feel confident in speaking your truth, valuing your needs, honoring your personal preferences and so much more. 

Inner Child Healing 
1.5 hrs | $255
Your inner child represents you true essence and soul self that we were born into the with. Its connected to your ability to to be in joy and wonder which is connected to soul qualities such as playfulness, imagination, creativity and curiosity. Often, as children we experience a variety of traumas which when left unattended, can manifest as fears, insecurities, phobias and self sabotaging patterns. Inner child work is a vital component to self growth because is enables us to bring healing to childhood traumas that subconsciously negatively influence us as adults.  This session guides you thru an experiential process that enables you to reconnect with and bring joyful healing your own inner child, resulting in a healthy integration with it.  

Shamanic Shadow Work Healing Session
1.5 hr | $255
Our shadow self is the unconscious aspect of our personality that our conscious ego does not identify in itself. In short, it’s the parts of ourselves that we have unconsciously rejected, denied or disowned, leading to power loss, soul fragmentation and self-sabotage.  Much of what hides out in our shadow side is actually connected to our biggest soul gifts, talents, skills and abilities that we were born into the world with to contribute to humanity. Shamanic Shadow-work brings these unconscious shadow aspects into the light of conscious awareness, enabling new conscious perspectives that lead to healing, integration, wholeness, happiness and a return to empowered soul purpose. This session utilizes a variety of shamanic shadow work modalities to bring the shadow self into light, enabling deep healing. This is a great session for those on a path of personal growth who are ready to shift out of unconscious self-sabotaging beliefs/ patterns, gain deeper self awareness and achieve renewed harmony. 

Meditation Training (instruction & experience)
1.5 hr | $255 (see Reservation page for semi-private & group rates)
Meditation is the starting point in all spiritual growth and personal development work. In our ‘learning to meditate’ session, we begin by discussing your interests, goals & questions about mediation to set the parameters & intention for personalized instruction & guided meditation journey. During out time together we will explore and experience a variety of meditation techniques, then near the end of the session, we will formulate an action plan for you to continue developing your mediation practice on your own. (This session can be done in my home office or out on the land or thru skype video call)

Awakening to Intuition & Psychic Development Training
2 hrs | $333 (see Reservation page for semi-private & group rates)
Discover and experience a variety of techniques that support the awakening of higher consciousness. Learn to connect with your intuitive senses thru meditation. Also learn about dream interpretation & connecting with spirit guides.   Instruction encompasses meditation, developing the psychic senses, spiritual development teachings inspired by yoga philosophy, European shamanism & toltec wisdom teachings. I also offer teachings in energy anatomy (chakras/auras), energy healing techniques & practices, the art of psychic psychic reading and the art of reading the Tarot.  We will also formulate an action plan for furthering your intuitive development on your own.  Follow-up training & coaching sessions offered.

New Paradigm Shift
1.5 hrs | $255
Upgrade your beliefs and transform your life! This is one of my favorite transformative coaching sessions. In this 1.5hr session I guide clients thru 4 specific techniques proven to transform whatever subconscious beliefs have been sabotaging your happiness & your ability to manifest your goals & dreams. Come away with step by step practices that you will have forever to uses as a tool to activate positive transformation.

Pranic Breathing  
1.5 hrs | $255
Breath & life are inseparable. Our breathing habits influence our quality of health & vitality. This integrative healing session teaches traditional yogic breathing techniques to invigorate and revitalize the body with life force energy (know as Prana), clear the mind, release stress in the body, and induce tranquil states of being in the mind, emotions & body. This practice is a must for all spiritual seekers.

Shamanic Journey to connect with spirit guides or power animals
1.5hrs |$255
The shamanic journey is a powerful practice for gaining spiritual insight,  healing and guidance. Its thru the shamanic journey experience that you can meet your power animal, connect with spirit guides and awaken to your own inner wisdom. In this shamanic healing session, You will be guided thru a traditional shamanic journey utilizing conscious connecting breathing, sound and drumming to bring you into a dreamlike state of being as you journey into the shamanic non-ordinary reality to meet and gain insight, healing, wisdom from your power animal or spirit guides and come away with profound insight and a renewed feeling of empowered reconnection to self, nature and the cosmos. 

Soul Star Breath-work Journey
2 hrs | $333 (see Reservation page for semi-private & group rates)
a profoundly transformative shamanic healing therapy using ancient breath-work techniques known to facilitate the release of trauma in the body – clearing the mind, emotions and body of discordant energy, bringing renewed wellbeing, healthfulness, insight & clarity. This session starts with an introduction to shamanic breath-work and teaching of the breath techniques used. We then move into intention session for the session, do a ceremonial cleansing of the energy body using sacred herbs used for cleansing such at sage or palo santo, and then move into the core healing aspect of the session with time to process, integrate afterwards.

Shamanic Cord Cutting and Reconnection to Self
2 hr | $333
This session facilitates deep & lasting healing & reunion with your fully empowered self as you are guided to a journey back to the roots of your pure, original connection with your self & the divine, healing any and all wounds and reclaiming your wholeness along the way.   

This healing session clears your energy of toxic connections to others as it enables you to reclaim and reconnect with your magnificent, empowered self, experiencing deep and lasting wholeness, & wellness.

Sedona Medicine Wheel Land Journey
2 hrs | $333 (see Reservation page for semi-private & group rates)
This is your very own interactive experience with traditional, indigenous Medicine Wheel teachings at one of Sedona’s Medicine Wheels nestled amongst the majestic red rocks and vortex energy.  As framework for personal growth that reveals teachings on life and personal growth stages, this medicine wheel ceremony leads you to your own personal direct experience in communing with sacred wisdom teachings of the wheel and the elements – Earth, Air, Fire and Water as you come away with clear insights and direct spirit messages about how your current life’s experiences are supporting your own personal growth and soul path. 

Essential Empowerment Practices for Inner Development
1.5-2 hr | $255-$333
(see Reservation page for semi-private & group rates)
For those embracing the inner journey of personal development & spiritual awakening. This session begins with a discussion regarding your goals, intentions and questions you  have regarding your inner processes of awakening & development. From there I guide you through instruction on how to work with traditional tools & processes used for  personal development.  Together we formulate a clear plan regarding your next best steps on your journey that you can begin working with right away.

Empowering Healthy boundaries
1.5 hr | $255
Feeling last on the list in your own life?? Exhausting yourself giving to others to the detriment of your own well-being? No more repressing your own needs & desires! This session teaches self empowering techniques for managing your own energy field that enable you establish & maintain healthy boundaries with others while maintaining vibrancy of your own energy.  Reclaim your right for your life to be rooted in your own priorities. Learn to recognize when a boundary is being overstepped &  how to remedy the situation in positive, affirming ways.

Private and Small Group Yoga
75 min session in studio | $177 Individual
(see Reservation page for semi-private & group rates)
Local discounts (Verde Valley Drivers License) $150 hr

In Studio. Customized guided yoga practices and programs that suite your needs and goals. Individual and small groups. Local discounts offered for private yoga students. Carrie is a certified Yoga instructor, registered with Yoga Alliance and is also a continuing education provider for the Yoga Alliance. Options encompass traditional Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa flows, Chakra Yoga,  each class includes Pranayama (yogic breathwork practices) and meditation

Empower Your Inner Goddess with Sacred Feminine BellyDance Movement
1.5 hr | $255 (see Reservation page for semi-private & group rates)
This is a guided journey  in Sacred Feminine Movement inspired by Carries 30+ year career as a professional bellydancer, that supports an experiential exploration and activation of your own unique expression and personal archetype of  the Goddess within!  Reconnect with the divine feminine and invite her to rise up from within you as your embodied, empowered self. We will also explore ways of continuing to support the empowerment of your own inner Goddess thru embodying qualities of the sacred feminine. This is a creative, fun  session that gets you life force energy flowing with rhythmic movement to exotic music sure to delight the senses. Takes place in our movement studio. 

Life Transformation Success Program
1 hr session | $177
4-week program | $677

This results oriented, 4-week coaching program guides you thru your unique transformation processes, into empowered clarity and strategic action in alignment with their highest goals, dreams and intentions.
Expect a customized blending of intuitively guided life coaching techniques with integrative healing modalities, personal growth processes and  tools to support your personal transformation journey Harness the power of transformation to successfully achieve your goals. Individual, 1 hr coaching sessions are available as well. 

  • Align your path with your souls purpose
  • Clear away blocks to success as you define clear intentions
  • Connect with your Souls wisdom with certainty and confidence
  • Gain tools and support positive life transformation
  • Achieve your goals and dreams

Live Your Best Life! Life Empowerment Coaching Program
1hr session | $177
4 week program | $677
Rooted in yogic philosophies & practices for healthy wellness, this 4 week coaching program  begin by assessing the quality of holism (holistic wellness/balance) in your  life, guides you thru processes to get clear on your life path goals and establishes a clear action plan for you to accomplish your goals. This program starts with a 1 hr assessment & goal setting session with follow up sessions that coach you thru healthy living practices that support the achieve your wellness goals. Each session includes a follow up email highlighting what we discussed during the session and the outline of the action plan. 

Relationship Success Coaching
1hr session | $177 (individuals or couples)
4 week program | $677
Are you single and ready to manifest your soul mate, or are you ready to  revitalize the relationship you are in? This is the coaching program for you! Rooted in psycho-spiritual principles for healthy relationship dynamics and the ‘Law or Attraction’, this program utilizes your relationship goals and intentions as the foundations for getting you on track with manifesting your relationship goals and experiencing the relationship of your dreams. Suitable for singles and couples.